1.The battle to treat cancer has become, as a commentary in a leading journal put it, a "grinding war of the trenches. "
2.Some of the drugs that are used to treat cancer can have specific food interactions that members of your treatment team will tell you about.
3.Many cancer researchers are trying to figure out how to turn off telomerase and potentially treat cancer.
4.Now researchers have found a way to reactivate programmed cell death and thereby treat cancer.
5.The scientists who discovered microRNAs were not trying to prevent AIDS, grow stem cells or treat cancer.
6.One of the newer ways to treat cancer patients is by immune therapy using tumor antigen pulsed dendritic cell-based vaccination.
7.Updated to reflect what's happening inside a real patient, the technology could also help doctors diagnose and treat cancer.
8."This would be a way to treat cancer without side effects, " Levy said in a statement.
9.Therapeutic MAbs, used to treat cancer and autoimmune diseases, have proven beneficial in the clinic.
10.But I think this is actually just the beginning of how we're going to treat cancer.